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An acrobatic and musical performance about the certainty of holding on and the adventure of letting go.

HEBBES Wirwar Frisse Oren©Kamerich & Budwilowitz-31.jpg


Theater version: 50 minutes

Festival version: 30 minutes

8m wide x 8m deep x 5,5m high

Inside or outside​

Can perform 2x a day

The possibility to book a workshop

Age: 4 to 104 years


More information and booking via: Frisse Oren or WIRWAR Producties

About the show:

Do you know that? That you have lost something and don't know where you left it? And do you ever have the feeling that you have lost something, but you don't know what? That it seemed like you had a hold of something, like you could hold it, but it still slipped through your fingers? ​


HEBBES is wordless, unique and spectacular movement theater for everyone from 4 to 104 years old. Two acrobats from circus theater company WIRWAR Producties and two musicians from music theater collective Frisse Oren join forces for this acrobatic music performance. About the security of holding on and the adventure of letting go.

Het Theaterparadijs is enthousiastic:


"Hebbes is extremely surprising. Specially made and exceptionally performed. A performance that you can certainly talk about with your children at home for a long time."

A beautifull review from the Theaterkrant: 

''In Hebbes, music and movement meet in a visual journey of discovery into the (in)tangible. With impressive acrobatic tricks, varied musical intermezzos and a touch of slapstick, the performance provides an entertaining theater afternoon for everyone aged 4 and up."

Indy, jurymember from Podiumkids, wrote a review and recommends the show: 

''I would recommend going to the show because it is really fun. If you like tricks, even a bit dangerous, then you should really check it out."

CREDITS: Companys: WIRWAR Producties and Frisse Oren | Concept and artistic directors: Laura van Hal enAnneke Wensink | Performers: Marieke Franssen, Joost van Genugten, Ivar van Woenzel and Sanne Hamstra | Music: Arthur Wagenaar | Coaching: Moving Academy for Performing Arts Haarlem | Scenography: Jolanda Lanslots | Costume designer: Regina Rorije | Light development and technician: Maarten Verheggen | PR/marketng: Nikla Katsburg  (from Frisse Oren) working together with WIRWAR Producties | Education: Rosa Schogt | Financial directors: René Nekkers en Rudi van Hest | Pictures / Photographers: ©️Kamerich & Budwilowitz



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